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Achieving resource efficient production throughout the metal value is an imperative for society. This paper will discuss resource efficiency in a system integrated manner. It will highlight the role technology and its innovation as well as system optimization and its innovation as key drivers. Integ...
Developments in ore sorting technologies have provided the ability to achieve economic dry pre-concentration of ores prior to a grinding/concentration circuit and, in some cases, produce a high grade concentrate of sufficient quality for end use. The use of dual X-ray transmission (XRT) sorting has...
Traditional motors for milling technology has relied on either Wound Rotor Induction, Low Speed Synchronous Motors, or Asynchronous Induction Motors with mechanical gear reducers. A new alternative is now offered: The Low Speed Asynchronous Motor. This alternative provides the benefit of reduced com...
It has been widely accepted to go for grate discharge ball milling when a coarse product is preferred or to avoid production of extreme fines, but overflow discharge mills are preferred for their simplicity of design and production of finer product. In grate discharge mills the product is discharged...
Lake Shore Gold is engaged in commercial gold production at both the Timmins West and Bell Creek mines, located in Timmins, Ontario. Run of mine ore is processed at the Bell Creek mill which consists of a conventional gold mill flow sheet involving crushing, grinding, gravity concentration and carbo...
Taseko Mines Limited Gibraltar copper-molybdenum mine recommenced operation in 2004 with the initiation of a series of development projects to increase throughput capacity as well as modernize the mine. In the second staged development project, a VTM- 1250-WB regrind mill was selected to replace...
Recent copper price evolution pushes modern mining industry even harder to achieve highest production with maximum efficiency. Operations are bound by numerous contractual and environmental conditions that bring a high degree of complexity to both the operators controlling the process and the plant...
Although ore sorting in mining is not a new concept, sensor-based sorting has failed to gain broad acceptance due to perceived challenges with the technology. In order to gain wider applications, this research focuses on treating waste rock and low-grade ore to identify and test appropriate sensors...
Abstract Comminution is known to be an inefficient user of energy. This makes it the largest energy consumer in many mine sites and therefore a large component of cost. One would therefore have thought that improving comminution energy efficiency would be receiving the undivided attention of the mi...
Abstract This paper describes a methodology to monitor axial mixing in an IsaMill as a function of mill feed flow rate, mill tip speed and media load. Steady state temperature measurements (profiles) along the mill length were used to quantify the degree of mixing during the comminution process. Co...
Spherical grinding media (balls) are the most widely used media for comminution of ores by grinding. One way to optimize the grinding process in a tumbling mill is associated with the development and testing of a new media shape. by modelling simulations study of the behavior of two types of grin...
The Mine to Mill course identifies the changes to practice required to optimise performance in blasting and comminution to maximise profitability and energy efficiency. February 2015 | Denver, Colorado 9-11 July 2015 | Zambia October 2015 | Chile  
Most SAG grinding operations currently use ball size between 5.5 and 6 inch maximum size, However, in most cases the use of these ball sizes hasn't been justified by a phenomenological analysis of the real effect on the grinding process, but rather by trial and error. The analysis of the influence o...
The consumption of aggregates in civil construction has increased considerably in Brazil for the last years. The extraction of sand and gravel generates significant environmental impacts. As the quarries and sand deposits are getting exhausted near the big cities, the price of aggregates is increasi...
In recent years, DEM ( discrete element method) software, along with 3D laser measuring equipment, have become powerful tools to describe mill charge behavior, as well as forces acting on the liners of SAG mills. With the aim of contributing to streamline this application of the advanced technologie...
Industry: Mining, minerals processing Key driver for optimisation: Productivity Improvement Focus: Process control Location: Laverton, Western Australia Product(s): Gold Cost to implement: NA Annual Savings: NA Payback Period: NA Employees: 500 Energy sources: natural gas and diese...
Case Study Snapshot Industry: Mining Energy Management System (EnMS) guidance/standard: CAN/CSA-ISO 50001 Key driver for EnMS: Cost reduction Improvement focus: Energy efficiency for mine production and operations Location: New Afton Mine, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada Product(s): Gold an...
The search for energy efficient technologies for comminution processes is constant in mineral processing studies, since those processes represent a major percentage of operational costs. In this context the sue of stirred mills is increasing, especially for ultrafine grinding. Although many authors...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 Semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill control is complex and depends on many dynamic process variables. Good control strategies ensure that a mill is operating as close to optimal as possible, resulting in significant economic benefits to an operatio...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 The Masbate gold deposits are situated on the island of Masbate, 350 km south of Manila. A new plant was commissioned in April 2009. The grinding circuit consists of one semi-autogenous (SAG) mill Ø9.75 m × 4.27 m, two ball mills Ø5.6 m × 7.1 m and...
Volume Title: 12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014 A comprehensive Australia-wide survey of comminution energy consumption at copper and gold mines was presented by the authors at the 11th AusIMM Mill Operators’ Conference 2012. The database has been extended to include major overseas mines and use...
Industry leaders gathered recently in Vancouver to pick up the baton from the 2012 CEEC Workshop team. The theme for the 2014 CEEC Workshop was Best Practice; identified in 2012 as an immediate pathway to energy efficiency and cost savings. The team gathered for introductions; in some cases a cha...
Andean countries (Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina) have 42 semi-autogenous mills (SAG) in operation and there are more than 30 projects in the pipeline that consider SAG mills. At the end of the next decade, the total amount of SAG mills in this area will likely be close to 100. There is a lot...
This report concerns international overview and outlook on comminution technology for effective production of mineral powders in order to improve the product quality and reduce the energy consumption. These involve new and improved grinding mills (roller mills, stirred media mills, vibration mills,...
Abstract The pulp lifter is an integral component of autogenous (AG) and semi-autogenous (SAG) grinding mills as it controls the throughput, performance and efficiency of mills. The slurry transport from the AG/SAG mill through grate holes into the discharge trunnion is the main function of the pul...
Abstract The present manuscript focuses on the development of a multivariable control based on the MPC strategy for a semiautogenous grinding (SAG) device. A previously published specific SAG model that uses a deep analysis of the internal device behavior was used for the MPC strategy development....
Abstract Several factors contribute to an often bleak outlook for mining and mineral processing projects in the current market: rising energy costs, falling ore body head grades, and lower profit margins on added value products have all made it more difficult to operate economically. Ore sorting is...
The Integrated Extraction Simulator (IES) is the result of a substantial commitment by CRC ORE to produce a next-generation mining simulator that integrates all mining and mineral processing activities starting from drill & blast and proceeding through the entire mining value chain to the end of...
Melbourne will be home to a globally significant annual mining conference as of 2014.  The Victorian Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development Peter Ryan said the inaugural International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre fr...
PwC's 11th annual review of global trends in the mining industry - Mine was hosted by Chris Dodd, Melbourne Office Managing Partner in early July 2014. PwC convened a panel of industry experts to discuss the implications of realigning expectations and to examine whether 2014/15 will see the renewed...
Energy Performance Management New Gold Inc. (New Afton Mine), located in Kamloops, British Columbia, has ISO 50001 certification and is continuously monitoring, tracking, evaluating and verifying energy performance of its gold and copper mining facilities. New Afton Mine demonstrates its commitme...
"Improvements in energy efficiency help lower costs for businesses and consumers while safeguarding the environment. This year’s award winners are leading the way in improving productivity and environmental performance in the industrial sector through the responsible use of energy." said Parliamenta...
Grant Ballantyne is a South African born Australian.  He graduated with first class honours from the University of Queensland with a bachelor of Engineering majoring in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy in 2007.  And recently he completed a Doctorate in Philosophy at the Julius Kruttschnitt Minera...
Reproduced from the Heads Up CIPEC news, May 2014 Vol. XVIII, No. 5. "Comminution, as the major energy user in mineral processing, is responsible for the majority of processing costs at a mine,” says Sarah Bocaut, Executive Officer of the Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) based in...