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"Improvements in energy efficiency help lower costs for businesses and consumers while safeguarding the environment. This year’s award winners are leading the way in improving productivity and environmental performance in the industrial sector through the responsible use of energy." said Parliamenta...
Grant Ballantyne is a South African born Australian.  He graduated with first class honours from the University of Queensland with a bachelor of Engineering majoring in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy in 2007.  And recently he completed a Doctorate in Philosophy at the Julius Kruttschnitt Minera...
2014-06-25 GUATENG, SOUTH AFRICA - AFRICA · SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT · SUSTAINABLE MINING · WORKSHOP The mission of the WFEO-CEE Task Force on Sustainable Development and Mining is to raise global understanding of the importance of mining in achieving sustainable development. Application of sustai...
A method for determining the minimum practical energy for comminution was developed and is presented in this paper. An objective of the method was to determine experimentally the energy-breakage relationship for a wide size range in order to evaluate the energy performance of both crushing and grind...
From Creamer Media Engineering News. May 23, 2014 Sustainability would be the single-biggest source of competitive advantage to any company in the future, mining major Exxaro Executive Head of Growth, Technology, Projects, Services and Ferrous, Ernst Venter, said on Wednesday. Speaking at an e...
Whittle Consulting’s (WCL) Enterprise Optimization (EO) solution is an integrated approach to maximizing the Net Present Value (NPV) of a mining business by simultaneously optimizing up to 10 different mechanisms across the mining value chain. The EO methodology which WCL has developed over the last...
Put this event on your calnder. CEEC looks forward to exhibiting at the inaugural IMARC meeting. Drawing on a multitude of international relationships with key stakeholders from across the mining value chain, IMARC (International Mining and Resources Conference) has been created to suit the innovati...
The 2014 Australian Budget report: A raft of councils and support services to nurture innovation and enterprise have been abolished and replaced with the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme through the Department of Industry. From 1 January 2015, The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme wi...
Mintec, Inc have developed an interesting program to support operators in decision making. MineSight Performance Manager is designed to fill a need for coordinated, actionable reporting, analytics, and decision support at mine sites. Currently that need is largely filled by spreadsheets at many site...
As of February 9th, 2014, over 813 abstracts have been approved for this year's IMPC! The Australians and Chinese led with their number of submissions, in a field of 47 countries: a truly international gathering of minds. Comminution efficiency has 40 dedicated papers - an exciting result. In add...
[caption id="attachment_3305" align="alignright" width="150"] Dr Fuerstenau[/caption] This is the title of Dr. Douglas W. Fuerstenau's key note address at the International Minerals Engineering Congress, to be held in Mexico later this year. Dr Fuerstenau is the P. Malozemoff Professor Emeritus a...
        [caption id="attachment_3432" align="aligncenter" width="599"] Mike Battersby and Tim Napier-Munn at Comminution 2014[/caption]   Thanks to all the sponsors for supporting Comminution 2014: a very well attended meeting. Some of the delegates gather...
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Industrial Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) is bringing together the country's leading energy subject-matter-experts, industry leaders and energy efficiency suppliers, to share best prac...
This topic was addressed by Milla Craig from Deloitte Canada's team at the Quebec Mines meeting in November 2013. "While sustainability initiatives seek to provide solutions to the environmental and social impacts of the mining sector, one too often forgets (or ignores) the economic and financial...
JON ALLEN (METSO MINING AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY) gave the Quebec Mines 2013 delegates Metso's view on mill design and applications, as well as an update on work with JKMRC. "Rising energy costs, requirements to minimize energy consumption, and a commitment to sustainable solutions in the mine...
MICHEL BRISSETTE AND JOHN STARKEY (STARKEY & ASSOCIATES) reported on the step change possible in comminution efficiency when comminution is coupled with an innovative technology at Quebec Mines 2013. "In recent years, the mining industry has shifted toward mining orebodies with decreasing gra...
Another report from Quebec Mines conference, this time by GREG RASMUSSEN (XT) IsaMill technology was developed from the stirred milling  technology of  Netzsch  Feinmahltechnik GmbH in the 1990’s for use in the fine grained lead zinc ore bodies of Northern Australia in a drive to bring about a st...
The following Abstract was presented at Quebec Mines 2013. Innovation using new technology delivers measurable results. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS): A new tool for the mining industry MOHAMAD SABSABI, PAUL BOUCHARD, FRANÇOIS DOUCET, LÜTFÜ ÖZCAN, ANDRÉ MOREAU, AISSA HARHIRA AND...
The premise: The mining industry must innovate if it is to meet the growing needs of the world. With an eye on international competition, all aspects of Québec’s mining cycle are affected, from exploration to mine site rehabilitation. In today’s open world, innovation is the product of research and...
CEEC is participating in Mines and Money Hong Kong, bringing the CEEC message of improved shareholder value from improved comminution strategies to  hundreds of mining companies in a 270-booth exhibition. [caption id="attachment_3188" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Lt- Rt Tom Hunter Outotec, Ek...
18 March 2014 Although the industry works in a competitive world, some challenges need to be faced together, writes Paul Dowd, Non-Executive Director, Oz Minerals. It’s a well-known maxim in most industries that whatever competitive advantage one company thinks it may have at any poi...
18 March 2014 If Australia is to remain a leading resources and energy exporter, our productivity and competitiveness must rise, writes Minister for Industry, the Honourable Ian Macfarlane. Australia has long been a world leader in the resources and energy sector. From exploration to development,...
The CEEC Medal celebrates and recognises the contribution of outstanding research and field work on beneficial strategies for eco-efficient comminution, as stated in CEEC’s Mission and Objective. The Medal is awarded annually to the author/s of the most outstanding published paper, article or case s...
CERAWeek is the energy industry’s preeminent gathering of industry leaders and government officials, offering new ideas, insight, and discussions on major strategic issues facing the global energy industry. 2014 marks the 33rd anniversary for the annual executive conference. 2,300+ senior energy exe...
A large gathering of industry executives from around the world sat down to dinner in the Grand Salon of the Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City to witness the celebration of the first inductees into the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame ( Following a drinks receptio...
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: 100 Years of Innovation presents more than a century of innovation drivers that have advanced the mineral processing industry. Trends, developments, and improvements are discussed in depth, and likely areas for future innovations are explored. Edited...
Michael MacFarlane, Mining Consultant and former Executive Vice President, Business Strategy and Innovation, AngloGold Ashanti contributed an excellent article to Dassault Systemes GEOVIA's Special Report on Mining Innovation. Mike discusses actions companies are taking to address investor confidenc...
CEEC's mission is to accelerate the transfer of knowledge, with the aim of this knowledge being the reduction in comminution, to improve the efficiency of mineral processing. Innovation is defined as  the art of introducing new ideas or methods; therefore adopting improved comminution processes r...
CEEC's team is always on the look out for insight into ways accelerate the adoption of new technology, new  flow sheets and improved results. the following article by Kay Sever resonated strongly: does it apply in your work place? Early rockets were designed with two stages - one with the power to...
Mining Magazine Awards 2013 – CEEC is a winner! The Editor's Award: CEEC International Ltd "The Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) was established by a range of companies in the mining sector. It aims to improve understanding of research findings and alternative comminution strate...
Ian Ball has been gaining  a lot of attention lately for his success in mining despite his youth. Ian is the new President of McEwen Mining. "Lately, the 32 year old has been spotted driving a 100-tonne haul truck at the silver mine he discovered in Mexico, and the Bay St. hotshot makes a nice allo...
The introduction of selected blast mining  has the potential to reduce the cost of mining narrow-reef gold to the extent of resuscitating South Africa’s ghost towns, says veteran research commentator Dr R E (Robbie) Robinson. In an interview with Martin Creamer, (Mining Weekly Online ), Robinson ide...
The Global Comminution Collaborative (GCC) led by The University of Queensland (UQ) welcomed its sixth member university  in October 2013. Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUBS), Germany, brings expertise in ultra-fine grinding and modelling, and fine particle strength, sizing and analysis to...
The 46th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Conference will be held in Ottawa at the Westin Hotel January 21 to 23, 2014 in the Confederation Ballrooms (4th Floor). The conference will feature presentations on various aspects of mineral processing including grinding, flotation, new technologies, lea...
The 9th International Comminution Symposium (Comminution ‘14), organised by MEI in consultation with Prof Malcolm Powell (JKMRC) and Dr Aubrey Mainza (Centre for Minerals Research, UCT), is on track to be the biggest event in the series. With 4 months still to go before the start of the event in Cap...
For the first time, the global mining industry has a Hall of Fame ( focussed on recognising the technology innovators and developers that are so important to our future advancement. Members of the International Mining Technology Hall of Fame college of voters from around the wo...
Orica distributed this flyer at a recent Mining industry dinner. Watch this space for more details on efficiency gains from Orica's blasting products in early 2014.
Published earlier this year, this report profiles the work at Chalmers University in Sweden. ​"At least ten percent of the electricity produced in South Africa is used to crush and grind rock. This statistic is but one metric of the importance of the mining industry to the country's economy. Here...
Today CEEC International Ltd launched a video addressing the key issues related to comminution: why comminution deserves the attention of senior executives, the potential financial upside and ways in which alternative comminution strategies can alleviate issues such as rising energy prices, lower or...
CEEC's Board sends its hearty congratulations to fellow director Maryse Belanger on her recognition by the Women in Mining UK   “WIM (UK)” 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining Project as one the the most inspirational Global Women in Mining. Maryse is passionate about innovation in the mining in...
A big thanks to the Aspermont team for arranging the outstanding Mines and Money meeting, London 2013. CEEC Director Michael Battersby represented CEEC at this event and reported the following: ".....there seemed to be a very positive outlook from everyone there.  I received excellent feedback from...
Comminution '14 Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa April 7-10, 2014 The 9th International Comminution Symposium (Comminution '14) is organised by MEI in consultation with Prof Malcolm Powell and Dr. Aubrey Mainza and is sponsored by TOMS, Starkey & Assoc...
Ian Smith, Managing Director and CEO, CEEC Sposnor Orica Ltd addressed 500 guests at Melbourne Celebrates Mining dinner on 30 October 2013 on the theme of innovation excerpts from Smith's speech follow: "Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements or existing mark...